Pimples and blackheads after thirty: your worst enemies again
There is nothing more common than a teenager with acne. Who never as young had to cancel "that date" so special because it dawned with a giant grain in the face impossible to disguise? Luckily, after that stage of hormonal revolution, those annoying barritos never reappeared. You believed that they had been in the past, until one day, when you are about thirty, prepare to go to that meeting with your boss and discover that you have a huge one in the middle of the forehead. Maybe you're wondering: Why now? Here are some keys: - Do not sleep well and daily stress can clog your pores, contributing to the appearance of pimples and blackheads. -The smog of the city and the heat encourage the dirt to permeate the skin, which translates into oily and shiny skin. - The hormones after childbirth or during specific periods of your menstrual cycle collaborate for the appearance of this annoying problem. What to do? -First, DO NOT MISS CALM: Do not even think about squeezing them! Yo...